
Osteopathy & Me

Osteopaths work different techniques to diagnose medical conditions and allows the body to heal itself using its own healing mechanisms.

It is a completely natural therapy which identify and treats mobility restrictions.

By working on the integral structure of the body, and looking at how bones, muscles and connective tissues works together, osteopathy will restore your body to a balance.

The patient is assessed from a functional and postural angle, treating the body as a whole structure. Osteopathy is an holistic approach which focus on the root of the problems rather than fixing the consequences.

The different techniques used are

Miofascial release, which use a constant pressure until release is achieved. It is primarily used for miofascial structures.

Cranio sacral therapy use light touch to feel and ‘listen’ to your body. Contacts are made at the base of the spine, the head as well as other areas depending on the symptoms.

Soft tissue or manipulations is a manual technique used to to stretch or relax dysfunctional soft tissue structures.

Visceral technique, our visceral organs form an important part of our anatomy and physiology, making them a significant consideration when formulating an osteopathic diagnosis and treatment plan. The holistic approach to osteopathy  emphasises this. This is usually preformed through applying gentle pressures often on the abdomen and breathing techniques.

Osteopathy provides health assessments about the whole body which are extremely beneficial for preventing and understanding any medical conditions.

For women and mothers, osteopathy helps with the discomfort of pregnancy, prepare for labour as well as the recovery especially if the birth has been difficult or there was some trauma ( premature baby, breech). Osteopathy might reduce the need for medication during childbirth.

It will also help women with infertility problems, any pelvic or back pain and women suffering from endometriosis.

For babies and children, osteopathy will help with sleeping issues, breastfeeding and torticollis as well as providing assessment on development. Osteopathy is also beneficial in treating constipation and any digestive disorders.

Osteopathy has been proven to help with chronic headaches, back pain and lumbagos, as well as hernias and scoliosis. In fact, osteopathy can treat and relieve any pains or strains due to traumas.


Osteopaths work closely with patients to help them achieve a high level of wellness by focusing on health education, injury prevention, and disease prevention.