LHVP is a private practice committed to a high quality services and care for all adult orthopaedics pathology and the fitness coaching. We provide home visits only all over London.

Visit the website here:

osteopathy london-mummys-physio-london

Baby Physio

Home visit paediatric physiotherapy & osteopathy practice specialising in respiratory illnesses, baby massage, feet deformation, neuro motor delay, torticolis (stiff neck) and children rehabilitation.

Visit the website here:


La Dictée.Fr

Free and very interactive website. You or your children can learn French with easy and fun exercises.

Visit the website here:


City Ultrasound

Pregnancy care centre run by Dr Fred Ushakov, who has over 30 years of experience in fetal ultrasound. Offering anomaly scans from 12 weeks for early reassurance using the latest technology.

TELEPHONE: 020 3687 2939 / EMAIL: info@cityultrasound.co.ukfrench physiotherapist london


Orthopaedics and Trauma

Find an efficient and comfortable Maternity belt to use during pregnancy and after birth to regain your shape rapidly.

This Procare® Maternity Belt is an 8″ plush elastic maternity support that helps relieve the discomfort of both lower abdominal and back pain during pregnancy and for a few weeks post partum.


New in 2018 to the childcare scene, StarChildcare is an easy to use online platform where parents can connect with childcare providers for FREE!
Register for free at StarChildcare.co.uk to find a Nanny, Au Pair or Childminder local to you.

French Nanny London


Francais à Londres

French website giving you all the good information about your life in London. Adverts about health, accommodation, job, life, entertainment and more.


Make Me Fell Pharmacy

Make Me Feel is the first French pharmacy in London. It offers the highest standard of products, customer service & advice from qualified practitioners in the heart of Abbeville village. Make Me feel provides your most loved products in dermocosmetics, medicines, babycare, skincare and vitamins & supplements, with the best professional expertise. Consultations are offered by in-house medical consultants such as osteopathy, reflexology, sophrology, physiotherapy, nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, naturopathy and more for a global health approach.

www.makemefeel.co.uk  / 020 8675 1207

Be a Londoner

Useful tips and addresses for French people who want to live in London.

Visit the website here:

Be a Londoner


Contact us on 02071250262 – 07824553765

Mummy's Physio

Mummy's Physio